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826 packets 😲

Uncategorized Sep 05, 2024

We want to use this email to CELEBRATE! 🎉


As you may or may not know, we have been collecting sanitary items for menstruators in need throughout August for Share The Dignity.


We sent emails, posted on social media, and asked before and after class for help getting our hands on these items to pass on to those who couldn't otherwise afford them.


Well, cause of these group efforts, we donated 685 packets of tampons and 141 packets of pads 🩸


Featured down below in Marys boot! 



When we first signed the lease for Nin Yoga St Marys in 2017, I dreamed of locals coming together to feel safe and supported so they could, in turn, do the same for others.


Nearly seven years have passed (it's literally our seventh birthday at the end of the month!), and this community has become that and so much more.


Thank you to the students who trust us to hold space for them every week, the teacher trainees who continue to dive deep into learning more with us, and the teachers who come in early to brew tea and stay back for D&Ms with whoever needs to have a solid vent.


It's been a wild week of just all the things with our third studio (which opened on MONDAY btw), Nin Yoga Castle Hill, as well as prepping for a weekend of teacher training and starting to prepare for the next round of humans ready-to pull back the curtains of this thing called yoga.


Thank you for giving us this opportunity to continue to serve.


Till next time,


Annika xx


P.S The St Marys Spring Fair is THIS SATURDAY. A fancy little documentary of our studio and four other landmark businesses on Queen Street will be launched on the day on the big screen. If you miss it, I'll share it in next week's newsletter also 🎦


P.P.S. A huge thank you to everyone who replied last week offering to help out with bits and bobs around the studio. To be completely honest, I was not expecting too much of a response. I am thankful that I was exceptionally wrong.


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