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The yoga of printing

Hello Caroline,


I remember one of my teachers once said something to me that I always reflect back on...


"If you think you got this yoga thing figured out, see how you feel after a weekend with your parents" 


I feel this way also about printing (but also, the parent thing checks out often 🤣)


I spent the first chuck of my working life in management. So I was constantly printing out reports, rosters, and statements. 


I would be printing up a storm, always needing the documents 30 minutes ago.. but then of course the thing would have a hissy fit.


I would go on to spend the next long while sorting it out.


Which to be honest, on someone else's time, was kind of fine I guess. I liked hanging out in the office. It was quiet (I worked in a video game arcade, and it was loud), and no one was looking to redeem any prizes in there.


Fast forward 8 years later, however, me trying to print thousands of pages for a teacher training manual with a battered old printer, you got another story.



I don't want to bore you with my Monday morning, but if you have me, I really need a moment to vent.


They also say you shouldn't vent when still in the thick of the problem but here we are.


I tried my best to get a bunch of admin tasks done last night, including writing a couple of newsletters (this one and another one), a bunch of admin and prep things, as well as finishing printing all the manuals for Teacher Training.


But by Sunday night, I was battered and bruised from a weekend being a parent. I sat in front of this computer and couldn't even figure out which icon to press to get started.


So I saved it for Monday morning. We called our regular Daycare and put the 1-year-old in for a "casual day", so I could smash it out (and honestly because I really needed to give my forearms a rest, she was getting so darn heavy!).


2 emails to Ink station, more to Officeworks Headoffice, 3 visits to Cartridge World, a visit to some big random ink warehouse in Eastern Creek, and then finally a good old visit to my dear friend (and teacher trainer on the course Danielle Mcdonald) to borrow her printer, oh as well as hundreds of dollars spent on a variety of inks... I now have a printer printing. (well only just, I'm 36 pages in atm, but I'm feeling lucky).


The moral of the story? Don't buy counterfeit ink just because the brand name stuff feels overpriced, and then go on to print thousands of pages. Your printer will hate you and decide it would rather go to die.


Other, more important morals of the story:


There are no shortcuts. Your printer needs the good stuff (the ink x3 times the price. Baby daddy also continues to tell me the car needs 98... but those darn petrol prices!).


And this no shortcuts moral of the story also applies to writing teacher training manuals, and newsletters, eating well, getting fit, and working on ourselves.


We sometimes just have to do the hard thing.


Spend the money, read the instructions, do the course, show up, and do the class.


Because sometimes, in the time you spent deciding if you should do the thing, you could have already done the thing.


And sometimes in that time wondering if you should spend the money, the universe will decide to spend it another way for you (I'll buy a laser one this time).


That being said, it doesn't always apply. I know for a fact we can also do things SMARTER not HARDER too.


It's all relative right?



Anyway, that's my share for you this week.


Teacher Training starts TONIGHT and we are busy prepping all the things.


If you would like to join the waitlist for the next round, you can do that by clicking here.


Or if you are one of those humans who likes to sign up for things super duper last minute, you can commit to the payment plan here or the full price here. Ill give you a call also and give you a quick run down so you are ready to go by 6 pm tonight.


We also just confirmed a Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing Workshop with Katie and Vanessa at our Penrith Studio. It's on the 17th of November at 7 pm. You can book tickets for that here, with all profits going towards the Animal Welfare League.


Thank for you your love and support always, and see you on the mat 🌻


Annika xx


P.S. If you want to check out the craziness that was Halloween on Queen Street over the weekend, you can do that on our Instagram here.



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