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cant have one without the other ☯️

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2024

Last week, I laid my yoga mat down for three oh-so-exceptionally restorative Yin Yoga classes.


I wish I could tell you this was a regular thing in my life, but alas, the last time I did three in-studio Yin Yoga classes in a week was before children 😆


If you dont know what Restorative or Yin Yoga is Quinn, it's a style that is not so Insta worthy cause you literally sit or lay around on the floor and are told to relax. Breath. Just be. Let go.


What is the difference between Yin & Restorative Yoga?


Yin Yoga still gently stretches the connective tissues (the tendons, ligaments, and fushia). However, restorative yoga does not stretch AT ALL and is all about getting as comfy as possible to float into the ether as you soothe the nervous system.


Both are still exceptionally amazing to tap into our parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest).


I spoke to one of our Yoga teachers, Katie (Friday 6 pm just FYI) after class, and she mentioned she joined Nin Yoga when we first opened because the studio leaned more towards this style.


I vividly remember when she first joined us as a studio member too. She was one of the first "non-friends" to join the studio, and I wanted to crawl under our reception desk after I process her direct debit because I felt so overwhelmed that someone I didn't know would pay actual real-life money to hang out with us on the floor on the regular.

A prime example up above of what to expect in a Restorative or Yin Yoga class, modeled by our dearest Vanessa at Nin Yoga Castle Hill, photo by Charlotte Dabb.


Yoga often assumes the pre-requisite of being able to drop down into the splits at a dance party or hold a 2-minute handstand.


And even though those asanas (poses) can be invigorating, they are just a teeny tiny taste of what is possible (asana in itself is only ONE of the eight limbs of yoga).



As a studio for over seven years now, we find that the yoga we continue to share every day is less Instagram-worthy.




Yin Yoga


Restorative Yoga


Gentle Vinyasa Yoga


The Breath


Self Reflection




This is what makes up a solid amount of our flow here.


And don't you worry—we still have all that upside-down inside-out stuff, too! We just set our foundations and always return back to the slow and settled.


Like all things, the Yin can not exist without the Yang, and the Yang without the Yin.


As we start to weave our way towards the end of the year (which I don't know about you, but for me, involves the busiest time of them all!), be intentional with moments of pause, however you find them. We need to carve out these moments. Otherwise, the not-so-helpful comfort zone of staying busy will continue to rule us all 😛 😘


Annika xx



P.S Idit Tamir, who shares Trauma-Informed Yoga & Restorative Yoga on our Teacher Training has a retreat in the Blue Mountains coming up at the end of next month.

She has so kindly offered the Nin Yoga community $100 off too! The intention here is to pause and reflect. If this is something you need, you can learn more by clicking here, and book using your Nin Yoga discount by emailing [email protected].


P.P.S Team Nin Yoga has a stall at the Mind Body Spirit Festival this week 🎉 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the ICC in Darling Harbour. It's a free event full of all that woo-woo stuff, so if THAT your jam, please come say hi! We are at booth A37.


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