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glittery rainbow vomit

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2024

Last week, we had mufti day at kindy.


She got dressed in her black bunny rabbit tights and tie-dye Pokemon shirt and walked off, only to have baby daddy and her run back 10 minutes later to quickly change back into the burgundy school uniform. Whoops! Wrong date.


As we walked into the school gates yesterday, dressed in full burgundy shin-dig, we glanced at the glittery rainbow vomit which was a primary school fully decked out in its coolest of cool clothes. We all looked at each other, ran home, threw on the bunny tights, but this time a mini mouse shirt with matching ears because the Pokemon shirt was MIA, and raced back just in time before the school bell (its literally the song "Beautiful World" by Coldplay, that's her school bell song, and yes its stuck in my head every single day).


I remember moments like this happening often when I was in primary school. English was not my mother's strong point, and dad treated every school note like it was a conspiracy theory. My brother and I were the only ones responsible for noting Mufti Day dates 😂


Fast-forward to 2024, however, and baby daddy and I know how to do the English; we just haven't found our flow yet in this (still feels) new school thing.


So, inspired by us constantly forgetting. I thought I would use this newsletter this week with some reminders for you Jenny just in case they resonate 🙏🏽


2025 Yoga & Wellness Festival is CONFIRMED


Hayley and I have put down the (exceptionally massive but very much worth it) deposit for the next Australian Yoga and Wellness Festival venue, held once again at the newly built and light-filled Western Sydney Conference Centre. This is the third round of the festival and the second round that Nin Yoga has partnered in hosting it.


100 vendors, 40 ish speakers and workshops, and two days of all the things that want to nourish you from the inside and out.


And yes, we are looking for more vendors and speakers. You can apply on the website.



School holidays are next week.


A reminder as to why the roads are so leisurely for a fortnight.


Considering our Castle Hill studio is literally under the same roof as a massive circus school known as Aerial Fit, we wanted to collaborate and let you know that they are hosting school holiday workshops next week.


They are every weekday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. I'll be there with Minnie Mouse, so it would be pretty darn radical to bump into you. Heck, you could even drop into the 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. classes with us? * over-exaggerated wink *


Click here to use the code "NIN15" to get $15 off your booking.



Yoga Teacher Training begins November 5th.


And we only have TWO SPOTS LEFT. 


We are honored that 14 humans have already committed to themselves for the six-month course.


Every Tuesday evening at the Penrith Studio and Thursday evening online via Zoom.


And hey, if Yoga Teacher Training isn't your vibe, we got a Barre and Aerial Yoga one coming up next year also (more deets on those coming soon).



That's it for this week's edition.


If you have any questions about any of the things, just hit reply, and I will personally get back to you.


Annika xx


P.S. Even though I felt bad for not having the brain power at this point in my life to remember mufti date days, the 5-year-old was so chill about it. If anything, she enjoyed the challenge of running back around the corner and speed-dressing. She also continued to remind me that "it's no one's fault". Love these little lessons from miniature humans.


P.P.S Last week was our 7th birthday. I wanted to do something big for the studio, but alas, the brain power thing as previously mentioned. So here is me giving myself a reminder AND YOU permission to know that IT IS OK to pull out of something you originally said yes to. Do what works, which is always and constantly in flux 💜💜


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