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join the club πŸ“š

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2025

It's Samantha this week, and I'm excited to share a new offering with you Natasha.

Nin Yoga is starting a book club! πŸŽ‰

Andddd it's only $37 to join us for our bi-monthly meet-up (or FREE if you are an unlimited Nin Yoga member!) πŸ€©

Our first meet-up will be on Sunday, 30 March, from 4–5.30 pm at Nin Yoga St Marys.


(yes, its a while away, but we are telling you NOW so you have time to read the actual book!)


This offering feels particularly special as it allows me to merge my two loves – yoga and reading – and share them with this community. 

Before I was a yogi (or even knew what yoga was) I was a reader.

I actually think that's why I found yoga classes so appealing.

I was drawn to the stories of yoga.

The themes teachers would weave throughout a class. 

The personal anecdotes. The yogic philosophy. The poetry.

So a book club for yogis makes perfect sense, right?

Two women laughing and holding hands as they try and do a yoga pose together.

For our March meet up, we are going to read this book by Julia Baird:

Phosphorescence: On Awe, Wonder and Things That Sustain You When the World Goes Dark

'How do we continue to glow when the lights turn out? All we can do really is keep placing one foot on the earth, then the other, to seek out ancient paths and forests, certain in the knowledge that others have endured before us. We must love. And we must look outwards and upwards at all times, caring for others, seeking wonder and stalking awe, every day, to find the magic that will sustain us and fuel the light within – our own phosphorescence.'

You can read more about the book on Goodreads.

So, what does a book club involve?

All you need to do is read the book and come to the meet up on Sunday 30 March from 4–5.30 pm. That's it!

It is completely FREE for Unlimited Nin Members to join. Otherwise, the cost is our single-class pass price of $37.

If you're interested, simply RSVP on the Facebook event.

We'll sit in circle, drink tea (as always!) and I'll invite you to share any thoughts or feelings or questions or reflections you had while reading.  

Like any of our classes or events, this will be a space where you can show up exactly as you are.

Maybe you loved the book. Maybe you annotated your copy with a list of burning questions. Maybe you were totally questioning my taste in books and want to suggest the next read instead! 

If you want to borrow a copy of Phosphorescence by Julia Baird, I know Penrith City Library has the audiobook, e-book and physical book available. 

I'm so looking forward to this event – chatting books and yoga and LIFE with you. πŸ™πŸ§‘


Any questions, just reply to this email.


With love,



P.S This book club will be the first of many! We'll also meet up in May, July, September and November. I promise to put all future books up to a vote. β˜ΊοΈ


P.P.S Our Yin Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training is BOOKED OUT! We will open up our waitlist for our next one later in the year soonish.


P.P.P.S Nin Yoga Penrith Yoga and Reformer Pilates open day is February 8th and classes are starting to book out! Reserve your spot on the Penrith schedule at absolutely no cost.



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