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Lets get awkward 😬

Hey hey Friends,


I sit here in the St Mary's studio reception, staring at the blinking cursor, wondering... oh gosh, what the freak am I going to write about this week?


I'll let you in on a little secret... this happens every week (also often happens before I write any class plan!)


I dwell on the subject over the weekend but seem always to be writing this thing at the last minute.


Looking around for inspiration, I start answering emails (not so inspiring), which then remind me to reply to our Google reviews.

We got a bunch last week (thank you, you know who you are!), even though I got the notification to reply immediately. I didn't.


So, I'll let you in on another little secret... I find compliments really uncomfortable.


My partner knows this too. He compliments me all the time cause he's lame and I guess cute like that, and I never know what to say back. I just look at him with a blank and awkward stare like he got some Nori stuck in his teeth and then make it a priority to change the topic.


Another example is at our baby's blessing; all of our closest friends and family wrote us special wishes. I only read these notes last week (that baby is now 16 months old).


When I hear unexpected compliments, a feeling stirs in my belly. I think Brene Brown in "Dare to Lead" calls it foreboding joy. (I'm in the middle of it atm, and it is a rocking read if anyone needs inspo for when leading at work!)


Maybe it's low self-confidence?


Sometimes, but not always.


Just how do we react to surprises?


Something unexpected, regardless if it's a compliment about your new orange hair or if you see a huntsman spider on your dash while on the M4. Triggers the same prehistoric sequences in our modern brains.

Stage 1: Momentarily freeze (and be extra awkward)

Stage 2: Find an explanation as to why it is happening

Stage 3: Shift our perspective

Stage 4: Share our experience with others


This is how I felt when reading these heartwarming reviews.

There are a wholeee bunch more but this is not meant to be an email about tooting our own horn (or is it?).


This is a reminder that posting Google reviews for the small businesses that you know and love is a HUGE help.


So, can I ask a favor?


Think of 3 businesses that YOU love.


Even cry yourself to sleep if they close down.


Search for them on Google and gift them that extra awkward moment by writing up a quick review.


I learned recently while having a big old chat about Google Reviews in our reception over "Tummy Time" tea (one of T2's best!) with some students who are experts on the subject, that once a business has 50 reviews, the algorithm pushes them up the list when people search.


So find those small businesses that feel like home to you and tell them online and publicly why they make you feel all squishy inside.


I just did it for my gym G3 Fitness St Marys, where I buy my $3 Zataar and the greengrocer (because the fruit and veggies from the supermarket giants are getting squisher and squisher).


Doing this will help businesses with raising overheads left right and in the middle to keep the wood fire oven on.


Not sure what to even write?


Just jot down the first thing that comes to your head. Humans want to hear authentic human voices. It's our favorite voice in a worldwide AI web.


- Annika xx


P.S. One of our Yoga Teacher Trainers Katie Rose is collecting donations to raise money for Doctors without Borders -  Gaza Appeal. $25 gets you access to a whole bunch of yoga resources, and all money goes straight to helping on the ground. To learn more or donate, click here.

P.P.S Use the code "SELFCARE" for the first months free of our new and improved Online Only membership. Perfect for those who cant get to the studio but want to join us for Zoom classes. That's a saving of $60. Cancel anytime too! Only till the end of Jan.

P.P.P.S If you prefer festival vibes to start your wellness journey and try out classes for a few different studios in the area all in one day, we are also casually organizing a big one on the 3rd of February. Use the code SAVE10 for $10 off the ticket price.


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