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Nothing worth doing is easy

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2023

Hey There,


We had some big happy sad ones over the weekend.


Other than watching "Elementals" for the first time on Disney+ and being completely and utterly attached to all the characters and ugly crying at the very end, long after the credits had started, we also had the last class for our x4 week beginner course on Sunday, as well as the Teacher Training Graduation for our new and qualified yoga teachers.

And look, I don't thinkkk I cry a lot (but now that I use these moments as inspiration for this newsletter, I'm starting to think that maybe I do cry a lot haha), but I had solid sweaty eyes moment at our graduation also.


We sat in a circle on the balcony and shared what we took away from the experience. How yoga is sooooo much more than what it seems on the surface for all of us.


I reminded them about how they would each change lives, and they talked about how they felt they finally found their people.


We talked about how yoga and meditation is the only modality we could think of that encourages us to really sit and confront our discomforts, rather than just be a distraction from it.


And how it's of course a lot at first.


The Breathing. The Stillness. The Silence. 


...and how in turn, being with those elements over time, whether on your own, with others, or even when holding that space for others in a class setting, helps us in that regular world also.

Work life.




How we treat the planet.


How we treat those we love.


How we treat ourselves.


It's all yoga.


We probably sound kinda woo woo right?


But to be able to sit with ourselves, learn more about ourselves, and then in turn live a more peaceful and authentic life... its worth being considered a little extra "woo woo" for.

If you would like to join us for some of that woo woo. It's actually the perfect time.


We got free classes this weekend for our 6th birthday, x2 four-week beginner courses starting next month, as well as our 6-month teacher training course.


Can't get to the studio? Here is a 4-minute meditation from our teacher Karen Gruber (who teaches said free classes this weekend and is a past graduate of ours, and will be teaching on the next teacher training also).


Continue to do whatever rocks your world 💙


Annika xx

P.S. Don't forget to fill up your bird baths and put out some ice water if your puppers live outside. Its hotttttttttttt 🐦🐶


P.P.S. You can learn more about our 4-week beginner course by clicking HERE and our Teacher Training HERE.


P.P.P.S. Elementals is a VERY GOOD movie. Find a child and go watch it (or just watch it anyway because you are an adult and you can do whatever you want!)


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