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Plannin aint doin, just saying 🌱

Welcome to story telling time,


Six years ago, I put together a business plan, which was six lines long.


A few weeks back, I sought somewhere to take notes in my still-in-process conversion of the Art Studio at Penrith, which is also becoming the main Nin Yoga HQ.


When I first inspected the Penrith Studio almost three years ago, my intention was either to live there or set up my office there. Considering that the first option is technically "illegal", we purchased some Acacia Timer benchtops from Bunnings, screwed on some Ikea legs, and turned the massive room next to the yoga studio floor into an art studio slash collaborative workspace. A couple years in, I'm heavily pregnant with my 2nd, and the organized chaos needs to move back home for that WFH life.

But heck, she is one now, and enticing at-home distractions such as "What's making the floor sticky", "Why is my neighbor yelling" and "Did I spin that load? I'll just quickly do it again" will be left at my 1998 beige fly screen door.


My return to Nin Yoga HQ is a forever work in process (who else has the greatest time ever moving furniture around?), so I'm looking for somewhere within the rubble to jot some things down.


I find a spiral book with only a few pages used up and go to rip them out, so I have that instant fresh notebook feel, and then I come across the below...

I read it a few times.


Nothing profound, really. Boring actually.


But those words scribbled out of my head and onto the paper was the start of actioning it out of my brain and into the world (if I can remember correctly, these lines were used for the public Facebook event I created for the community classes. Thankyou social media, you ain't as bad as they say!).


It also took a whole lot of wondering how long I could hang back after class and chat to students before Penrith City Council knocked on the community hall doors (never happened), as well as nervous wees in the cold and concrete bathroom before teaching every single class.

If there is something, you have been super keen to do. I promise with action (not planning, action), and focus, you can literally do anything.


This place wanted to open before I even had a name for it (hence the name Nin Yoga. A kind of random name at the time, which you can learn about here if you are interested in even more backstory).


The same goes for starting a wellness habit at your local studio or gym.


For those new to the practice, there are only so many rambling newsletters you can read from your local yoga studio and only so many overpriced yoga pants you can buy before you need just to book the class, jump in the car, and get to the studio.


There are plenty of boutique fitness studios and gyms in the area now, and I am not saying our studio will be the one for you, but how would you know unless you give the habit a go in the first place? Each of these beautiful studios in the Western Sydney Region has an intro offer (and some of us even have an online-only membership if you can't get to any real-life classes!).


And if you are one of our current students, first of all, hey there, human we adore, and secondly, could I ask you a favor?


We would LOVE a Google review for our St Marys or Penrith Studio.


It helps us a lot. Over 90% of people read the reviews before signing up for anything.


It also helps us, the Nin Yoga team and teachers, determine what is working and what we can improve on (there is ALWAYS room for improvement!!).


And the more reviews we have, the more Western Sydney will trust us and walk through our doors, which can only mean a little less anxiety and a little more self-reflection, which becomes self-awareness for ourselves and compassion for those around us.




Chat to me! I reply to all these emails personally :)


- Annika xx


P.S. Here is a reminder and link for a Google review for our Penrith studio and/or a Google review for our St Marys Studio. It will be a HUGE help to share your story with us publicly.

P.P.S Use the code "SELFCARE" for the first months free of our Online Only membership. Thats a saving of $60.

P.P.P.S If you prefer festival vibes to start your wellness journey and try out classes for a few different studios in the area all in one day, we are also casually organizing a big one on the 3rd of February. Use the code SAVE10 for $10 off the ticket price


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