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Show up as who you really are.

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2023

Hey Hey,


We have been dwelling a lot lately on the why. 


I spent the last few years with a lot of busy work. Working IN these beautiful studios rather than ON them.


That busy work carried these studios through some tough times, and I am exceptionally thankful for all the lessons that have been learnt along the way, but I know in my belly there is room for more growth.


Growth in education, growth in community, and growth in our relationship with Western Sydney and beyond.


Other than hosting our first retreat only last Sunday, we also hosted the sacred gathering of indigenous elders last Thursday, who shared their stories, the good times, the struggles, and how we can all continue to move forward with love and respect.


On the weekend a bunch of us yoga and wellness teacher met together at the Penrith studio to share our stories of business, our why, and our dreams moving forward.


During this event, we participated in a sound healing and meditation, and was then asked to share our dreams to the room. When it came my turn, I wanted to say something profound, but literally all I pictured were my children, dancing with me in a yoga studio.


I wanted to think big, to share big (and I do have big dreams, I really do!), but it was fascinating to me that during our meditation, the present moment was all that was presented to me.


These buildings and the people inside them (that means you), have made all this magic possible.


These opportunities for connection with those all around us, in real actual life, has been what its all about. 


In a world where literally this morning while listening to Triple J, they discussed statistics about how adults are now more lonely than ever before. And then here we are, in these spaces, creating real connections, learning and growing, because of each other. 


Each of us showing up as our true selves... our weird, whacky, kind of tired, sometimes awkward, but ever so perfect selves.


Reminds me of this poem I read recently by Parker J. Palmer.


"I cant think of a sadder way to die than with the knowledge that I never showed up in this world as who I really am.


I cant think of a more graced way to die than with the knowledge that, as best as I knew how, I showed up here as my true self - able to engage the world in freedom and with love because I had become fierce with reality."


May we continue to show up as our true selves, as who we really are, to all those around us. Only when we do that, do we create authentic connection to those around us.


Annika xx

P.S To GROW, also means to let go. Maya Movement will merge into the yoga studio at the end of the month.  New timetable and pricing announcing soon.

P.P.S For those interested in showing up as their true selves via the teachings of yoga, we have a mini course on how to write your own Vinyasa class coming to your mail box soon. To be first to hear about the mini course and our re-vamped and much more accessible Yoga Teacher Training staring October 31st, click here.


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