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tomorrow is THAT day

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2025

Tomorrow is that day.



Its something different for everyone.


Maybe you stay up extra late to wrap presents, or you wake up early to prep for your cousins coming over. Maybe its just a day to get sunburnt and start drinking cruisers at 10am, or to you its just that day where you earn double time and a half and you make bank.


For some of us its our most favourite day of the year x1000. For others, its the most awkward, sometimes even triggering day of the year.


Whatever that vibe is for you, this day will come around at the end of every year till what looks like the end of time.


Growing up with parents who much preferred to not be in the same room, I spent my teens and early adult life not digging Christmas. The movies made me cringed and i thought red and green was the worst colour palette in history.


Then I met my baby daddy and had two minions. I realised I could re-write my own story, and I'm starting to now embrace the cheesy decorations and terrible music, heck, I might even look forward to it now 🤫


So, on that note, we would love to offer EVERYBODY in the whole wide world a special early Christmas present:


Its been a year. Ups downs, lefts and rights.


Whatever it has been for you, we wanted to make it as accessible as possible to get on the yoga mat.


Bookings are still essential via our website or the Mindbody app, but once in, all of our Online classes should be marked as FREE, with no billing details required.


Never done a Zoom class before?


Find some floor space (enough to lay your body down with a tiny bit around around you), grab some makeshift props (cushions, books, cans of baked beans, a towel), and just simply click the Zoom link.


We use Zoom at Nin Yoga because it is the simplest to use, and all it (99% of the time) takes is a click, no downloading of anything required.




Reply to this email!


Otherwise we look forward to seeing you on the little screen either this morning for our 9:30am Vinyasa Yoga and 10:45am Yin Yoga with Karen, or after the holidays starting the 27th of December, with FREE Zoom classes literally every single day.


And whatever you get up to over the next couple of days, I hope it is spent with those you adore most.


Thankyou for giving us this platform to give something we adore so very very much!


Annika xx


P.S If you can get anywhere in person, we have a new year intention setting workshop on the 2nd of January at Nin Yoga Penrith with Katie Rose, with all profits going towards Pasay Pups. Click here for the Facebook event or here to book.


P.P.S As of only yesterday we have officially packed away and moved out of Nin Yoga Castle Hill. Its a bitter sweet story, and one we will be ready to shed more light on in a few days 💙


For now, its family focus time.

Trying new things,

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