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unlimited classes for you

Uncategorized Jul 20, 2024

Can I offer you unlimited classes for just one payment of $10?


Considering it is the middle of winter (apparently, its going to snow up in the mountains this week!), I wanted to find a way to encourage all of our one-class and two-class-per-week members to join us in the studio a little bit more!



So, what better way than bumping you all up to an unlimited membership for the rest of winter?


What do I mean?


Well, for a one-time payment of $10, I will go into the backend of your account and give you unlimited access to all of our classes for the rest of Winter (that's until August 31st, by the way!).


Just reply to this email, and I'll get it set up for you.


No pressure and I'll send a few reminders, as we will keep this promo offer for the rest of winter just for our one and two-class per-week members.


Annika xx


50% Complete

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