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We will miss this.

Uncategorized Jul 25, 2023

Hey There,


As I write this, I have a belly fully of 2 minute chicken soup and a mug of exceptionally strong ginger tea.


I've been feeling a bit off since before our first retreat. It actually got to the point where we had organized back up teachers the day before, but with shear will power, I told my congestion and lingering cough to just give me the weekend, and we can have our time together later. Thankyou universe for granting me my wish.


On my return however, it returned also, and here I am writing this newsletter feeling a bit like poop. I couldn't go do reception (honestly one of my favorite jobs in the yoga studio) and I couldn't teach on our Yoga Teacher Training over the weekend (thankyou Suzie Q for covering me for transitions and pranayama!).


We also have three other fabulous teachers who are feeling down in the dumps also, and a whole lot of students needing some time off from in person classes. This thing is going around it seems!


So, inspired by those around me, lets share some self care tips. A reminder more than anything.


Below is what I have been rocking, as it works for me, but I would LOVE to hear what works for you too.


No Coffee

As tempting as it is to have my usual Moccona coffee with milo (otherwise known as coflo, and yes you can steal my recipe) when feeling low energy, I do my best to give it a break.


Lots of warm clear liquids

My fav is bringing to boil ginger and water, and then turning it off and adding lemon, maple, apple cider vinegar and salt. The last cup is always the best because its extra spicy!


The Sun

Having babies introduced me to the world of vaporizers. I notice a huge difference to when I sleep with it on compared to when its off. Dry air SUCKS. Get that condensation on your windows!


Less Exercise

Yoga and Movement classes are pretty great (no bias haha), but a weaken immune system will prefer it if we just stay at home and use that time for some chill and Yin/Restorative Yoga (we have zoom classes for these too btw!). I try and use the extra moments that I would usually spent working out catching up on all the online courses I'm enrolled in (I literally re-learnt how to Chromecast last week, gamechanger!)


More Naps

Yesterday we got home and baby was asleep in her car seat, so I used that as permission to sleep in the car too. It was lovely. Lets take what we can get :)


If you have any other awesome at home remedies I would love to hear them.


All this is just the typical Winter things right? We have 1 month and 1 week till spring (my partners most hated season), and then its that ever so brutal Australian summer. We will miss these winter days by then. When its not totally ridiculous to have 8 cups of hot tea and live in trackies and bed socks.


Enjoy the rest of it as much as you can friends.


Till next time,


Annika xx

P.S Reminder that we are MOVING Maya Movement into the Yoga Studio this week. This means a new timetable and new pricing is coming.

Keen to write your own class plans when you cant get to the studio? We have a FREE Intro to Vinyasa Krama Mini Course as well as a Yin Yoga Teacher Training coming up in June. 50 hours of Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Maryanne Edwards at the St Marys Studio? The ultimate self care <3


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