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What Does "Nin" Even Mean?

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023

As we come up to our 2nd Birthday and our 3rd studio, we thought it might be nice to share a small snippet of our story.

After completing my 2nd round of teacher training in Rishikesh, India, I started to host some community yoga classes at Colyton neighbourhood Centre every Wednesday. I remember Aaron and I getting there mega early to turn that community centre into a yoga studio. Putting a table cloth on the folding tables, several selections of teas, cups, candles, incense, heaters, cushions, straps, yoga mats, all that jazz.

We did this every Wednesday for a couple of months. The community started to grow and we started to put on more classes, but the pack up and down was a lot of work, sooooooo we started to have a look around and found the St Marys Studio! It was perfect.

Finally, I had a place to channel my creative energy. I decorated the space with everything from our travels, and we were ready to roll.

Even though the lease is in my name, Nin Yoga was definitely a community effort. My friends and family helped ALOT. Once the place was done however, the rest was kind of up to me. First thing I needed to do was find amazing teachers. I taught most of the classes to begin with, but I knew that just my own teachings might not be enough. Everyone needs something different. To this day I am still always constantly looking for new teachers and classes to introduce to the members. Nin Yoga does not stick to just one school of yoga teachings. We have LOTS of different class styles, from Hatha to Vinyasa to Yin to Japanese to Kundalini to Meditation to Restorative. Why? Mhmmmmm I guess its because yoga has just so much to offer. It is so much more than what the Western world has made it out to be.

Next, was to continue to create a yoga community I myself would want to be a part of. This was not hard to do, considering most of us grew up here and love all the people, and love yoga, and have such amazing teachers and students, so it just grew organically. Nin Yoga doesn’t really have a target market, we just wanted to make sure everyone would feel welcome.

Ill be honest, I don’t feel like I really know what I am doing on the business side of things, I am just kind of really good at taking risks and following my gut… but hey, the universe is delivering. Thank you so much for all the support! We will continue to deliver our welcoming, colourful and friendly yoga studios through out Western Sydney.

Stay tuned as the teachers, students and I continue to share with the world wide web via this blog.

Sending Light and Love,


P.S For everyone asking, the name of the studio doesn’t really mean anything super special. I was so keen to figure out a name asap so I could register the business and start right away, so I just used my high school Nickname “Nin”, thinking I could change it later once I thought of something else, but now its kind of stuck :)


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