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How to Fold Socks

One morning
we will wake up
and forget to build
that wall we’ve been building,
the one between us
the one we’ve been building
for years, perhaps
out of some sense
of right and boundary,
perhaps out of habit.
One morning
we will wake up
and let our empty hands
hang empty at our sides.
Perhaps they will rise,
as empty things
sometimes do
when blown
by the wind.
Perhaps they simply
will not remember
how to grasp, how to rage.
We will wake up
that morning
and we will have
misplaced all our theories
about why and how
and who did what
to whom, we will have mislaid
all our timelines
of when and plans of what
and we will not scramble
to write the plans and theories anew.
On that morning,
not much else
will have changed.
Whatever is blooming
will still be in bloom.
Whatever is wilting
will wilt. There will be fields
to plow and trains
to load and children
to feed and work to do.
And in every moment,
in every action, we will
feel the urge to say thank you,
we will follow the urge to bow.

- Rosemerry...

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Five Stages 💛

This could get real sad like, but let's keep the actual subject matter light for this time around, friends.


It's inspired by something that really, just mattered mostly to me.


It was a mural on the corner of Queen Street and Great Western Highway in St Marys.


I knew a real estate was moving in, but for some reason naively assumed that the actual brick wall corner would still be "ours" (I say ours as I organized to get it painted there to brighten up the street, but it was also sort of our way to be like, hey "we are here, and look how fun and colorful and awesome we are and yes you should totally want to hang out with us!")


I was at said intersection and noticed painters prepping. I instantly felt my morning brown (coffee and milo, yes, I am a child, and yes, you are welcome) want to come back up.


The first three stages of what I now realize was grief happened within 20 minutes.


"They aren't prepping to paint over...

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Am I an Imposter?

I can be a total imposter sometimes.


I know that I have talked about the benefits of staying focused a lot in this newsletter, but trust me, it's more often than not a reminder to myself.


I want to do everything. There is just so much coolness out there. This shows on our schedule too (anyone else wants to do YOGA and BARRE, and PILATES and AERIAL all within the same walls 😂?).


The same goes for books. I've just counted in my head that I am in the middle of reading four at the moment (two of them for a 2nd time which are both on business, another one on the holocaust, and then this one, which is the only one I have actually gone for this past week as I am enjoying it much more than I expected and have been actioning every chapter as I read them, sorry to anyone who lives with me).


I started teaching daytime yoga classes a couple of weeks ago, and the process of writing class plans usually comes from...

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Not as easy as it looks

Hey Hey 🌻


There is something that I feel really guilty of admitting...


Relaxing is so very often...REALLY REALLY HARD.


I was reminded of this over the weekend. Baby daddy took both kiddies out of the house Sunday to try and give me some rest time. 


He looked me in the eye as he piled the girls in the car and told me to "please use this time to rest", which is his way of also saying, "Try not to work".


The family had left and I had the house and a Sunday to myself 😲


I laid in bed for a long moment, overwhelmed with the choice... and after a solid wander around a very well-lived-in house (which involved picking up toys, putting nappies in the dryer, and un-packing then re-packing the dishwasher), I then jumped on the computer and stayed there, because that's what felt comfortable. (We also had a Black Friday sale and the backend process needed some serious tending too... thank you to...

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The yoga of printing

Hello Caroline,


I remember one of my teachers once said something to me that I always reflect back on...


"If you think you got this yoga thing figured out, see how you feel after a weekend with your parents" 


I feel this way also about printing (but also, the parent thing checks out often 🤣)


I spent the first chuck of my working life in management. So I was constantly printing out reports, rosters, and statements. 


I would be printing up a storm, always needing the documents 30 minutes ago.. but then of course the thing would have a hissy fit.


I would go on to spend the next long while sorting it out.


Which to be honest, on someone else's time, was kind of fine I guess. I liked hanging out in the office. It was quiet (I worked in a video game arcade, and it was loud), and no one was looking to redeem any prizes in there.


Fast forward 8 years later, however, me trying to print...

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Unfunk with focus

Hey There,


Over the weekend we celebrated 6 years as a yoga studio.


The number 6  feels odd. Sometimes it feels like we have been doing this for 60 years, and other times it feels like 6 days.


In these 6 years, however, we have learned some things... well, at least 6 things.


I would love to share some of the learnings with you below, in no particular order of course 🙏🏽


Focus will unfunk us

I used to think that I was really good at multitasking, and then I came to the realization that multitasking was just moving from one task to the next and then back again. Useful as a mumma but not useful when trying to grow this business.

Focus has improved a lot in the past couple of years thanks to junk journaling, less social media, and more reading of actual paper pages.

Consistency is key for you to trust us as a studio for your own well-being, and when we stay focused, we can deliver that consistency...

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Six years!

Hey There,


Just jumping in here to let you know we have FREE CLASSES next weekend to celebrate our 6TH BIRTHDAY!!


Saturday 23rd September

8 am Pilates at St Marys

8:30am Vinyasa Yoga at Penrith

9:45am Yin Yoga at Penrith

12 pm Beginner Lyra at St Marys

1:30 pm Aerial Yoga at St Marys

4 pm Yin Yang Yoga at St Marys


Sunday 24th September

8 a.m. Meditation at Penrith


To book into any of these classes, you will need to head to our website, or search for Nin Yoga on the Mindbody App.

This picture above came up in my memories on social media, and it made me smile.

I remember baby daddy staying up late, designing this for me. I remember using the print and copy feature at office works for the first time to print it out and feeling really pro about myself.


Dang, I remember how long it took me to create that website on the poster! I remember hating tutorials (I actually don't hate them that much anymore, I've finally learned to be...

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What do you do?

Hello Beautiful,


(and yes, I mean beautiful to even you lovely!)


The vibrancy in the air is starting to change, and not just for those who get hay fever (I feel for you too!!), but energetically too. 


And then, over the weekend we heard the most perfect poem.


It was shared by one of our Yoga Teacher Trainees during their final practical assessment (pictured below!)


It resonated not only because it was the start of spring (regardless of the name of the actual poem), but because they had all blossomed into such confident teachers themselves.


A Summers Day

Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean— the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand, who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down— who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes. Now she lifts her pale...
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Feel them feels ❤️ then move on forward

Hey There,


Over the weekend the fam bam (extended and friends included) and I spent every single spare moment preparing to let go of our two buildings on the corner of Queen Street and the Great Western Highway.


Yesterday, after 3 years, we handed over those keys.


I remember the day we received the keys oh so vividly. So full of grand ideas. Belly twirling with excitement with all the possibilities that lay ahead. With a support team of cherished family, friends, and teachers ready to tackle the mystery that lay ahead.



When we made the decision to not resign for another 3 years, this was a huge moment of growth for our little business.


"Growth? But how? You are letting go of two brick and mortar buildings..." (This was the chitta vritti constantly in my head!)


But yes. Letting go = growth.


Giving in those keys yesterday felt like the biggest step forward. Like when you are cleaning out your closet, and...

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Hey Hey,


You know that awkward moment when that thing you have been working on for AGES is finally out into the real world and then you don't know what to do with yourself?


Well, that's what's happening to me now friends.


Something we have been working really hard on... our Yoga Teacher Training, which begins October 31st, is HERE.


This one is a lil different too...


  • It's during the weekday evening.
  • It's a combination of in-person and online.
  • It's less costly (without a compromise on quality)
  • And it's even got a payment plan option!


But Annika, please stop talking, because I have no interest in becoming a Yoga Teacher!


Well, do you have an interest in carving out more time for yourself?


Do you have an interest in learning more about your body, your mind, and your emotions?


Do you have an interest in making new friends and being part of a community?


Do you want something better to do than to just...

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