Naturopathy is an alternative medical system that appreciates the mind, body and spirit. It considers treating the whole person based on their constitution, emotions, experiences, environment, diet and physical symptoms of dis-ease.
Naturopaths have insightful understanding about how to put pieces of the puzzle together to unearth the root cause of dysfunction and look to treat that. It is not about suppressing a cough, but rather soothing the throat and removing what was irritating the lungs in the first place. It is not about numbing pain or masking inflammation, but instead finding what caused it, why it persists and how to resolve the problem to prevent it from coming back. It is an age-old healing practice that nurtures and nourishes the body.
Naturopathy respect to the innate and intelligent healing capability of the body, and merely seeks to facilitate the work of the vital force, prana or qi to restore natural balance, function and energy. Yogis specifically find that this...
See below the transcript from the first episode of our Podcast.
You can listen to this episode on Spotify at HERE.
Hello and welcome to episode one of this podcast. I am your host, Annika Saigi, and I thought today for the first episode, we can do a quick intro as well as answer a question I get asked quite often, how do I do it? And maybe if you listen till the end, I'll make a big announcement that's sort of buzzing over on social media as well.
Okay, so who do I identify as? I'm 31-years-old. I identify as a mother to Maya, who is two-years-old. My mother is an immigrant from Thailand and my father is an immigrant from Hungary. I was born in Melbourne, then moved to Sydney at an early age... and Sydney as in Western Sydney. So the three yoga studios at the moment are located in St. Marys, Blacktown and Mount Druitt. I have lived in all three of these suburbs.
When I was in school, I always thought I would leave Western Sydney and go live overseas and do all of those wild things....
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