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i worried

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2025
I Worried

I worried a lot. Will the garden grow, will the rivers
flow in the right direction, will the earth turn
as it was taught, and if not how shall
I correct it?
Was I right, was I wrong, will I be forgiven,
can I do better?
Will I ever be able to sing, even the sparrows
can do it and I am, well,
Is my eyesight fading or am I just imagining it,
am I going to get rheumatism,
lockjaw, dementia?
Finally, I saw that worrying had come to nothing.
And gave it up. And took my old body
and went out into the morning,
and sang.

- Mary Oliver




Like many of us, I often feel pulled in a million directions. Some pulls are joyful and exciting; others feel more like unwelcome shoves.


Mary Oliver’s...

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join the club 📚

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2025

It's Samantha this week, and I'm excited to share a new offering with you Natasha.

Nin Yoga is starting a book club! 🎉

Andddd it's only $37 to join us for our bi-monthly meet-up (or FREE if you are an unlimited Nin Yoga member!) 🤩

Our first meet-up will be on Sunday, 30 March, from 4–5.30 pm at Nin Yoga St Marys.


(yes, its a while away, but we are telling you NOW so you have time to read the actual book!)

This offering feels particularly special as it allows me to merge my two loves – yoga and reading – and share them with this community. 

Before I was a yogi (or even knew what yoga was) I was a reader.

I actually think that's why I found yoga classes so appealing.

I was drawn to the stories of yoga.

The themes teachers would weave throughout a class. 

The personal anecdotes. The yogic philosophy. The poetry.

So a book club for yogis makes perfect...

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a great moment

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2025

It's Samantha in your inbox today, and somehow we are already in the SECOND week of 2025.

I'm not going to ask your New Year's Resolutions, partly because you've probably been asked a dozen times, but also because I didn't actually think of any for myself.

I don't know about you, but I haven't managed to find that same energy and buzz that usually comes at the start of the new year.

So if you are ALSO feeling a bit worn out from December (and 2024 in general)...

If you are still craving REST and have spent more time watching Gilmore Girls than enjoying the sun lately (or maybe that's just me)...

I just want to remind you, that is totally okay

It's okay NOT to start the new year with a bang. 

To move slowly. To listen to what your body needs. 

To focus on taking things day-by-day, rather than thinking of all 365 days looming ahead. 

IN FACT, we can find so much beauty (and practice yoga 😉) simply by paying...

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we are... human

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2025
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what's next?

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2025

The below email discusses the sudden closure of Nin Yoga Castle Hill, and therefore the launch of Reformer Pilates at Nin Yoga Penrith. Is neither of these studios is of interest to you, please skip this email and enjoy the rest of your beautiful day :)


For many of us, it's the week we wake up confused about what day it is.


I started writing this with the bird song on a Sunday morning, which is not my usual time for newsletter writing.


I've spent every day since the news wrapping my head around what to do next.


For those who may not know, on the 19th of December, we got locked out of our Castle Hill Studio. Our landlords were liquidating, and the rest was out of our hands. We had a small window on Monday, the 23rd of December, to get our belongings out. This included 11 reformer machines, 17 sets of yoga props, a barre set up, 16 aerial yoga slings, and all the bits and bobs that...

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what happened to castle hill ?

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2025
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tomorrow is THAT day

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2025

Tomorrow is that day.



Its something different for everyone.


Maybe you stay up extra late to wrap presents, or you wake up early to prep for your cousins coming over. Maybe its just a day to get sunburnt and start drinking cruisers at 10am, or to you its just that day where you earn double time and a half and you make bank.


For some of us its our most favourite day of the year x1000. For others, its the most awkward, sometimes even triggering day of the year.


Whatever that vibe is for you, this day will come around at the end of every year till what looks like the end of time.


Growing up with parents who much preferred to not be in the same room, I spent my teens and early adult life not digging Christmas. The movies made me cringed and i thought red and green was the worst...

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the worst way to study

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2024
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i am not here to teach you

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2024

Hey, it Karen here again, sharing some of my thoughts and experiences from the month that has flown on by! 


Lately, I have been experiencing moments where I feel a glimmer - that little buzz of happiness in my chest - when I reflect on how very blessed I am to have been able to learn from YOU in my teaching practice. 


You might be surprised to hear that, as a yoga teacher, I am not here to ‘teach’ you. I view it more as a role to hold space for you to explore YOUR practice. I am simply a stepping stone. 


To be in the position I am in to hold space and teach, I first had many years of practising as a student. I have spent decades practising meditation, reading, listening, reflecting, asking questions and embodying my learning. 


If my calling had been to be a chef or a singer, I’m sure I would have invested my time into learning those skills, but my passion was inner exploration, ...

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you are the who

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2024

Its feels pretty dang marvellous for Karen, Samantha and I to continue to write emails each week literally about how this community can get involved in doing good, sharing the actual goodness and just all around love to serve and work together type of vibes.


This year for me has been the year of business books (my not so secret and a little embarrassing obsession), and I just started a new one this morning (my favourite time to listen to books is while the rest of the house is sleeping in) called "Who Not How".


Putting together 118 bags (we have a few more to pack before Friday so that number wil go up!) was very much a who rather than a how.


The project was lead by Mary who volunteers with Share the Dignity every single year and is a "Shero", someone who knows the drill on collecting the essential seven and can give the bags straight to those who need it most.


It all happened with the assistance...

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